- M.A. Medical Illustration, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas . August 1997.
- B.F.A. University of North Texas , Denton , Texas , emphasis on painting, 1976-1978.
Freelance realist artist . Produce and exhibit highly realistic figurative paintings. Paint commissioned portraits. Exhibit in galleries, museums and institutions in Texas .
Medical Illustrator , University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio, Texas, 1995-2015. Create original medical illustrations for publications in medical specialties including dentistry, opthamology, radiology, surgery, and microbiology.
- 2010 Hondo Municipal Airport Terminal, Hondo, Texas
- 1990 Eugene Binder Gallery, Dallas, Texas
- Alternate Gallery, Dallas, Texas
- 1987 Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Texas
- 1985 Alternate Gallery, Dallas, Texas
- 2008 Hunt Gallery, San Antonio, Texas
- 2006 EAA AirVenture Museum, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
- 2005 Hunt Gallery, San Antonio, Texas
- 2004 Selections From the Barrett Collection, The Grace Museum, Abilene , Texas
- 1995 The Barrett Collection, Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas
- 1992 'Metal and Mettle', Austin College, Sherman, Texas
- 1991 'Texas Collection', Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
- 1988 Group Exhibition, Eugene Binder Gallery, Dallas, Texas
- 'Habitats', Peregrine Gallery, Dallas, Texas
- 'Landscapes', University of Dallas, Dallas, Texas
- 1987 'Texas Annual', Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, Texas
- 'Eight Texas Realist Painters', Frito Lay Inc., Texas
- 1986 'Landscape Paintings', Eugene Binder Gallery, Dallas, Texas
The Dallas Museum of Art, Frito Lay Company, Kerr McGee Oil Company, The Grace Museum (Abilene), Children's Medical Center, Museum of the Southwest (Midland), Cass Oil Company, McKinsey and Company, and many private collections in Dallas, San Antonio and elsewhere.